Everyone would prefer that actuaries do actuarial work. When your valuation operations are automated, your actuaries can focus their attention where it belongs: on the analytical work only they can do.
Atlas’s no-code workflows are easy to create and manage, freeing up your actuarial staff.
Removing manual touchpoints also removes opportunities for error. Automated end-to-end processes make your operations predictable, repeatable, and reliable.
Controlling operational steps programmatically means you can see — and audit — everything that’s happening. Atlas’s workflow automation generates logs of execution, and logs of process changes.
Explore the Atlas platform
Produce stochastic cashflows for VA contracts and guarantee riders: GMDB, GMAB, GMIB, GMWB, Lifetime GMWB
Produce stochastic cashflows for FIA and RILA products and associated lifetime income benefits
No-code ETL takes data from your enterprise and organizes it however you need it
Produce stochastic cashflows for fixed income and derivative assets
Industry leading audit & control features to support your organization’s model and assuptions governance
Asset portfolio rebalancing for VM-21, capital determination and more
Integration with third-party cloud platforms such as Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure
Contact us to learn more about how Stoch Analytics can help you navigate the stochastic world