Stoch Analytics


Our flagship Atlas actuarial modeling suite has been in production at global insurers for nearly 20 years. Purpose-built for stochastic processing, it offers much faster speed than legacy platforms, as well as industry-leading controls and automation – freeing up your actuarial staff to add more value


Variable annuity modeling, fixed

Model all your VA guarantees with blazing speed

GMDB, GMAB, GMIB, GMWB, GLWB — Atlas’s Variable Annuity Engine calculates cash flows for all of them, with industry-leading speed and efficiency.

Reduce operating friction

Fast to configure, even for your most differentiated products

We use Atlas ourselves. So we’ve designed it for rapid configuration and maximum flexibility. Over 95% of a product’s features are configurable in the easy-to-use graphical interface. For unique product features and modeling approaches, the remainder can be configured using Atlas’s custom code capabilities.

Reduce operating volatility

A single source of truth

Atlas’s unique inheritance structure allows you to configure your models once, modifying only those few assumptions that change for your particular purpose. So whether you’re calculating greeks or modeling nested stochastics, setup is a breeze. And explaining the differences between your hedging results and your financial reporting becomes a simple exercise.

Financial Reporting


Explore the Atlas platform

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Contact us to learn more about how Stoch Analytics can help you navigate the stochastic world